
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes
The CNRS - FOTON team is associated to the National Centre of Scientific Research through a unity«Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR 6082)» called « Fonctions Optiques pour les Technologies del'informatiON ». This structure compromises of three separate teams: Foton-Enssat (Lannion), Foton-Telecom Bretagne (Brest) and Foton-Insa Rennes.
The main research topics are the engineering of optical functions for Information technologies covering a very broad area: Material Science (III-Vquantum dots, polymers, liquid crystal), high speed fiber communication signal processing devices, and optical telecommunication networks modelling.
It benefits from three engineering schools and from strong interactions with local companies, especially SME's, some of which are spin-off's from CNRS-FOTON. CNRS-FOTON has a national and European visibility thanks to its participation to various national programs (RNRT, ANR .) and to three Networks of Excellence (SANDIE, ePIXnet, ePhoton/ONE) of the 6th European framework.
FOTON -INSA has a long experience in the growth of a variety of ternary, quaternary III-V compound semiconductors by molecular beam epitaxy on InP substrates. First reports on InAs QDs grown on InP substrates has been done by members of the laboratory. InAs QDs formation on InP have been extensively studied in the laboratory.
Main results are high density InAs QD on InP using high index substrates, the control of the InAs capping by various alloys and the influence of growth conditions on SK transitions. These results allow the achievement of lowest threshold current density QD laser emitting at 1.55 µm. |