Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures
CNRS LPN was created in 2001 from the merging of CNRS-Laboratory of Microstructures and Microelectronics (L2M) and FRANCE TELECOM CNET Bagneux laboratory.
Both laboratories have conducted research at very high international level, opening new fields (such as the discovery of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots in 1985), and playing a major role in the development of very active areas.
The spectrum of LPN research activities is very broad, ranging from fundamental to applied physics. LPN is a node of the National Network of Nanotechnology Facilities composed of public laboratories with very high-technology facilities.
LPN hosts a 1000 m2 clean-room, with state-of-the-art equipments for semiconductor processing (e-beam and UV lithography, reactive ion etching, focused ion beam, metal and dielectric deposition.).
LPN has recently been involved in many ACTS, IST projects (Photonic Crystal Integrated Circuits -PCIC (project manager). LPN has contributed to the Networks of Excellence SANDiE (Self-Assembled semiconductor Nanostructures for new Devices in photonics and Electronics, NMP on QDs) and ePIXNet (IST -Photonic integrated components and circuits), and the IP ZODIAC "Zero Order Dimension based Industrial components Applied to teleCommunications" IST-NMP (2005-2008). This latter project included high bit rate lasers, amplifiers and electro-optic modulators.
Within TELDOT, CNRS LPN will contribute to the design, fabrication and assessment of mode-locked lasers.
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| Pictures of the experimental set-up used to measure the optical spectrum and pulse
width of quantum dot mode-locked laser. This includes high resolution optical spectrum
analyzer and second harmonic generation based autocorrelators.