 | France Télécom
The network of Orange Labs represents the France Telecom-Orange Group's global innovation network (http://www.orange.com/en_EN/innovation/). It is made up of 5,000 employees on four continents. It reflects the Group's ambition to put innovation at the heart of its strategy, firmly focused on its clients. Under the responsibility of a Strategic Marketing Department, which provides the group's orientations and knowledge of the market, two new structures have been created, the Explocentre and the Technocentre, which work in close collaboration with the R&D laboratories installed all over the world.
Home Networks: Since 2005, several teams of France Télécom - Orange Labs are involved specifically on research and development of our customer's Home Area Networks and their expertise is now recognise at national and European level through several projects such as for instance ICT FP7 ALPHA, ICT FP7 OMEGA, ISCT FP6 IPHOBAC and ANR BILBAO but as well through participation in stand ardisation bodies such as for instance WWRF, IEEE802.15.3c and ETSI.
As an operator, France Télécom will actively participate in the preparation of the component specifications based on its view of future customers and services requirements. At the same time, it aims at playing a major role in terms of demonstration and dissemination of the project results in order to maximise the impact of this research on the rest of the scientific and industrial community.
The aim of our participation in this project is to create an ecosystem by which the components fabricated in this project will be integrated by industrial players into systems suitable for commercial deployment in a five year time frame.
France Telecom (Orange Labs.) has actively been contributing to numerous collaborative R&D actions on optical access networks, both at national an international level.
More specifically, France Telecom is currently being involved in FP7 projects on the next generation broadband access based on optical infrastructure (ICT FP7 SARDANA, ICT FP7 ALPHA) and NoE (ICT FP7 BONE).
France telecom is also very active in French funded collaborative related to physical layer and higher network layer for optical access (ANR ANTARES, AROME, EPOD, ECOFRAME and the INTERACCES project of the cluster Media&Networks).
Access Networks: France telecom natural skills and interest as an incumbent operator are obviously mainly architecture definition, expression of its network constraints to fit them in the overall requirements/specifications and evaluation of the demonstration and hosting a test-bed.
In the Access optical network, the results of the project will be disseminated at several (pre)standardisation groups such as FSAN (ITU G.984.x) or IEEE (802.3). Presentations of these results at conferences such as ECOC, ICTON, NOC or OFC are to be expected.